The Face Of System Damage!!!


Introducing the brainchild behind the System Damage Promotions branch of System Damage Music Group we’d like you to meet Jay Walton.


Jay is hard working promoter from Leicester with a pitbull like ferocity when it comes to creating events, promotion both online and face to face. A real people person with a passion for networking, Jay has some big idea’s and even bigger artists on mind for the brand. With the success of the 1st promotion in July 2022 at the 2Funky Music Café in Leicester and the 2nd lined up for October 2022 with Steve Allen (Up:Lift Records) we are sure big things are in the horizon.


Here is what Jay had to tell us…….


I originally started the brand just doing the podcasts and after around eight months I got speaking to Paul Swain (Swainy) who I've known for years and we got speaking about doing events. I've wanted to have another go at running events again since I closed down my last brand resonate as it was more of a hobby and this time it's going to be run like a proper business and I knew Paul was clued up so I thought now is a good of a time as any to start again. After a few months of planning on what to do I spoke to another good friend of mine Rich James (Pulse code) who I asked to be a resident for the brand but after finding out about Rich wanting to run his own nights I persuaded him to join us as a brand owner. As Rich joined the brand I felt like things was starting to gell really well and we had a good foundation for the brand, after a few months of planning we did our first event where I met a long time friend of Rich's called James he being the final part to the jigsaw. After getting to know James Pound the three of us decided to bring him on board as part of the team, since joining us James has been a key asset and has worked his ass off for the brand. Between the four of us we have been as professional as we can be with our events and now the music side of things, we aim to give as many people a chance to play for us in the future as its now always about the big names. I also want to mention even though the four of us are the brand owners we couldn't do it with out these guys, Stu Patchitt has done a class job in doing our artwork we ask him and he reply's with absolute quality every time, Will Room our weekend warm up resident all round nice guy and a great dj, Feathers (Lewis Martin) has been a great asset to the team he is one of the founding members of house sessions along side other house sessions resident blaney, and joining us in 2022 are our new residents for hardhouse sessions Pete Maxwell and Darran Curry..... here is to a great future